


logo-fms globe-klein

Designs, manufactures, markets, and supports instruments used for sample preparation, of chemical compounds. The Company provides the highest quality instruments available at the best value to our customers.

Automated systems for the cleanup of PCDD/Fs, PCBs and others

There are three different automated systems:

  • PowerPrep is the most flexible system for cleanup of all POPs, allowing any method to be programmed. It is suitable for PCDD/F, PCB, BFR, Pesticides, PAH and other analytes from all sample matrices. Its modular design offers the cleanup of 1 to 8 samples in parallel in 1 up to 5 fractions.
  • EconoPrep uses similar methods like PowerPrep and delivers 2 separate fractions. It is expandable from 2 to 4 modules with two channels each.
  • EP110 uses a different column setup; this reduces the solvent consumption drastically and avoids DCM as a solvent. Its modules have also two channels each and are expandable from 2 to 8 samples.

EZPrep 123

This is a low cost, semi-automated system for the cleanup of PCDD/Fs, PCBs and others. Usually it is run with the same method as EP110, but other methods are also possible.

All these systems use certified background free columns, allowing high recoveries and best reproducibilities.

PLE™ - Presurized Liquid Extraction
PLE™ is a high speed Pressurized Liquid Extraction system for Dioxins, PCBs, Pesticides, PAHs and BFRs analysis. With the PLE™, one just needs to load solid or liquid samples into the PLE cartridges, and press the start key. The entire extraction is performed automatically and unattended producing excellent precision and high recoveries.

Automated SPE systems

  • TurboTrace is a SPE system designed for all kind of matrices and sample sizes, especially suited for large sample volumes and/or rather dirty samples. It offers the choice between positive pressure or vacuum for sample application. The modular design allows expansion from 1 to 8 samples in parallel.
  • EconoTrace is best for clean samples with low background; it uses positive pressure for sample application of low volumes up to 1 L; it is designed with two channels per module and expandable from 2 to 8 channels.
  • TurboTrace SEQ handles up to 5 samples per module sequential.
  • TurboTrace ABN is a system for the cleanup/concentration of samples that need two cartridges like acidic/neutral/basic analytes.
  • NanoTrace is designed for small sample volumes from matrices like urine, blood, milk etc.

Semiautomated SPE systems
EZSpe systems are low cost, semi-automated systems for cleanup/concentration of all sample matrices and volumes and are available in versions for 6 or 12 samples simultaneously.

SPE for PFAS analysis
TurboTrace PFC, EconoTrace PFC and EZPFC are designed without any PTFE parts to ensure extremely low system backgrounds.
All SPE systems offer sample bottle rinse and Nitrogen drying and can be used with any cartridges available in the market.

SuperVap evaporator systems

There are several SuperVap systems for sample evaporation. All instruments work with a dry heater and Nitrogen blowdown.

SuperVap-6/SC and SuperVap-12/SC are instruments equipped with automatic endpoint detection with either max. 6 samples of 250 ml volume or max. 12 samples of 50 ml volume. Both systems offer the option of direct-to-vial evaporation.

SuperVap-12/SV is a system without endpoint detection for 20, 40 or 60 ml volumes and max. 12 samples.

SuperVap-24/SV allows up to 24 samples with volumes of 2 or 4 ml without endpoint detection.

SuperVap-24 PFC without endpoint detection is especially designed for the evaporation of PFAS samples and uses 25 ml HDPP vials for max. 24 positions.